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About Maureen
My Story
I'm a Mother of 4 and a Grandma. I have been involved in health and helping those in need. Being able to help in ones own health care is important and that is where I can help.
I'm a certified in Nutriontist and Exercise Management and a Massage Therapist, I also advise how to use essential oils. My goal is to help the community and all its individuals in becoming healthy.
We offer a variety of services from personal counseling to classes on food preperation and canning. We have enlisted individuals from the community who are Masters in some of the areas, and others who want to be involved in various ways.
This venture arose from seeing children with adult diseases and the obesity rate of all individuals soring out of control. Being able to install healthy habits is the first step in controlling this epidemic. Lets not lose generations to this disease. It is a concept that if we work together can bring a change and make a difference in the community.

Digestive wellness
Food allergies & intolerance
Healthy cooking / meal planning
Diet and Detoxification
Elimination diets

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